Not surprised – interior food prices soar and fuel ‘drying up’

Dear Editor,
Even Lindeners are getting frustrated. I never envisaged all of this. In fact, the word ‘protest’ and ‘vigil’ have now taken a downward trek.
They are synonymous with uprisings, lootings, vandalism and wanton destruction.
Even now, the aftermath will take a lot of doing – clearing and cleaning, repairing, and returning to normal activities.
In the beginning it was about ‘prayer’ and ‘praying.’ So imagine my shock now! Remember Editor, it was supposed to be a five-day peaceful protest.
Currently, some residents are in a state of panic. The impact of this ‘disruption’ is now very traumatic and it is very severe in the interior areas. The result of the ‘prolonged protest’ is that in the two main interior communities, Mahdia and Lethem, life is under great duress. Amid the uncertainty and fears (that fuel, food etc) will soon run out, there is a situation of pandemonium.
I thought that there would have been a sense of the communal, but I am seeing a lot of different colours, as the few lucky ones with plenty are exploiting those who have to purchase from them. On the one hand, I hear people blaming the government for not being caring and sensitive, yet I am seeing so much of the same among the people, who initially set off to press for some corrective measures. I hope that many will start to look on the inside.
Right now in Mahdia, Region Eight, food and fuel prices have risen beyond affordability. The residents are now worrying that the situation could bring the economy of the remote gold mining-dependant region to an actual halt. I ask of readers, if they really can internalise this.
Get this – If the miners cannot get to work, then the entire economy will be down. I add here that even if it is for a month, the consequences are catastrophic. The current impasse must end.
It is good to know that the ‘proposed hike in electricity tariffs’ has now been put on hold. So I ask that the main roadways, accessing regions Seven, Eight, Nine and many parts of Region 10, be opened up. They have been blocked off for too long, and nothing good has come out of this thwarting.
I think that the days of and occasions for savagery are long gone. I suggest too, that in the event that Lindeners have to pay for their electricity, that this be done in a way that is commensurable with individual earnings, and in stages. People need to get adjusted too.

Respectfully submitted,
Gregory Carmichael

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